As Government ‘lockdown’ restrictions are eased a little, Rushcliffe Borough Council has announced the reopening of some car parks at its open spaces, tennis courts and skate parks. These include a limited number of facilities at Ruddington’s Country Park – which were closed in March due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic.
The Authority says risk assessments have been completed with its teams and third parties to ensure all can be accessed in line with government advice. However visitors are asked to ensure social distancing of two metres is maintained at all times between those not in the same household.

The car park at Rushcliffe Country Park is now accessible again – where parking is currently FREE. The refreshment kiosk and picnic benches are also back in use – but with increased spacing between the benches.
The Skate Park has reopened, too, in line with Skateboard GB’s and Skateboard England’s updated advice – which can be viewed on the Borough Council’s Coronavirus advice page >>HERE<<..
However, the children’s play area remains closed – as do Ruddington Parish Council‘s play areas in our village – due to the continuing danger of spreading the highly contagious virus via the equipment.
RBC’s Deputy Leader Cllr Debbie Mason says: “We’re pleased these facilities can re-open but it’s crucial everyone plays their part in using them safely and ensuring they continue to follow social distancing. We know our open spaces and recreation facilities are popular and so important to give people opportunity to take part in activities that assist good physical and mental health.”
However the Authority says it will continue to review all its sites to ensure they can be used safely.
{Car park entrance photo courtesy of RBC}